Wearing Masks

It appears that we are shedding our masks. We can walk freely in and out of our homes, ride the elevator, put out the trash, pick up the mail and not fog up our glasses. We greet friends without having to read their eyes and foes without pretending we don’t recognize them. We can smile […]

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The Color Yellow

For those of us of a certain persuasion, the color yellow has become a frontpage protagonist since Amanda Gorman, dressed in her strikingly beautiful coat, addressed the American people at Joseph Biden’s Presidential Inauguration. Her poem “The Hill We Climb” moved me like no one else’s speech. Her words resonated with me, bringing tears to […]

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Time to Jubilate

 I have a good friend who just retired from Saint Joseph’s University and is having mixed feelings about the experience. I try to listen to his concerns attentively, but I’m really wondering what took him so long? I couldn’t wait to retire, I took the tenure buy-out the first year it was offered, although I […]

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Welcome to Epilogues / Epílogos

Now that I am in my seventies and I’ve let my hair go gray, it’s a wonderful time to evaluate my life as if every event were an epilogue. Not as a goodbye or an ending, but as an opportunity to tie loose ends, to revisit, to rethink. It could be a trip, reading a […]

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