Divorce After Death. A Widow’s Memoir

Divorce After Death by Concha AlborgDivorce After Death. A Widow’s Memoir is Concha Alborg’s first memoir. What does a woman, who had been married all her life do when her husband dies prematurely? How does she reinvent herself and find her path through the maze of dating and career again? Does she like being alone or does she fear her newfound freedom? Humorous in style but serious in content, this memoir exposes some new facets of the author´s life.

Some of the themes in Divorce After Death are: betrayal, dating in middle age, family responsibilities, and freedom versus commitment. Since the author was born and raised in Spain, the cultural contrasts between her European upbringing and American customs bring an added dimension to this book.

Creative non-fiction seems like a natural transition in Concha Alborg´s writing. Her short stories have essay characteristics such as personal comments about cultural differences between her native Spain and those of her adopted country, the United States. In fact, she has often played with a mixture of genres; both of her short story collections can be read as novels since they share the same characters and plot lines. American in Translation is composed of three separate novellas: “Marine Corps Wife,” “Spanish Daughter” and “American Woman.”

Covers’ illustrations by Dwayne Booth, Mr. Fish: www.clowncrack.com

To purchase Divorce After Death. A Widow’s Memoir visit:

The following chapters form the narrative arc of this book:

“Preface. Spoiler Alert”
“East Meets West”
“Rings Around Rebecca”
“Old Men Look at Me”
“The Road Less Traveled”
“The End Game”
“Divorce After Death”
“Cruise to Nowhere. A La Deriva

“The Merry Widow”
“My Splenda Daddy”
“The Hispanic Maid”
“Eating Alone”
“Making Magic in Montalcino”
“The Matchmaker.
“Into the Woods”
“Flying Solo”
“Epilogue. No Corpses”

See some selections of this work under “Writing Selections.”

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